Favorite Things

July Favorite Things – 2020

What a time to be alive. For the deep thinkers, those who want to make social change, the hurting, the hoping, the anxious, and the dreamers, this year is challenging many. Narrowing in on things to buy feels funny when I know acquiring more doesn’t do much to help in the long term. Here are a few of my favorites as we continue to stay safer at home. Wear a mask. Wash your hands. Stay home if you can.

1. The Year of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion

A grief memoir that sparked more in my journey with grief. A differing perspective sure to keep you turning the pages.

2. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith

I used to say this was my favorite book of all time. It had been so long since I read it, I wasn’t sure I could back up my statement. It’s still true – this is my all time favorite book.

“People always think that happiness is a faraway thing,” thought Francie, “something complicated and hard to get. Yet, what little things can make it up; a place of shelter when it rains – a cup of strong hot coffee when you’re blue; for a man, a cigarette for contentment; a book to read when you’re alone – just to be with someone you love. Those things make happiness.”
― Betty Smith, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

3. King Arthur Bread Flour

Really upped my sourdough baking game.

4. Scrabble

An oldie but a goodie. And last month, Dylan even beat me!

5. T-shirt crafts like this rug and this wreath

Blursday Favorites

Recently, someone I love received a meeting request for time on Blursday at 2 pm.

Blursday. That about nails it.

I’ve been here 46 days now and in the blur, forgot to share a few of my favorite things. Here are some items getting our tiny family through quarantine.

Artisan Sourdough Made Simple: A Beginner’s Guide to Delicious Handcrafted Bread

Yoga with Adrienne videos using this mat and this bolster

Starbucks Pike Place Coffee with Vanilla Torani syrup– they also do instant if you are into the whipped coffee craze

Health supplements including Tumeric, Zinc, Echinacea Sleepytime Tea, and Power Adapt for my anxiety

We’ve attempted to play Scategories and Catch Phrase online with friends

I’m late to the Schitt’s Creek party, but it’s hilarious and I now want to buy this mug. While Stevie is my favorite character, David is close behind. These stickers are fun.

My at home desk now has these pens, this notebook (pages come pre-numbered!), and I’ve been using this light to fight the basement blues.

I’ve also read the following books:

Inheritance: A Memoir of Genealogy, Paternity, and Love by Dani Shapiro

In Pieces by Sally Field

Harry Potter & the Chamber of Secrets by J.K. Rowling

Turtles All the Way Down by John Greene

The Year of Living Danishly:Uncovering the Secrests of the World’s Happiest Country by Helen Russell

Such a Fun Age by Kiley Reid

This new song by Jason Mraz says it all:

What are you relying on for fun, sustenance, and comfort these days?

PS – don’t forget, there’s a virtual writing session tonight and you still have time to sign up.

February Favorite Things – 2020

It’s snowing again. While February is the shortest month, it’s often a long haul. Here are a few favorites to delight you while the weather is cold and gray and the promise of Spring is still tucked around the corner.

  1. The BFG by Roald Dahl

I’m sure I’m late to the party, and the movie version of Roald Dahl’s classic book warmed my heart. We all need to believe in magic just a teeny bit more.

2. Snake Skin boots

Because we all want to feel sassy. I’ve been told that trend was ‘So last summer’ so if you want to be on the forward edge, I guess leopard print is in.

3. Surface Dry Shampoo

Again, late to the party, but here I am. Perfect that tousled look and avoid wet hair for another day or two more.

4. Salt Lamp Tea Lights

They tell me the benefits of Himalayan Sea Salt are endless. So we put the lamps by our electronics and I light candles at my desk. Warm glows of healing rays. Perfect for gray days.

5. Winter bouquets


Surround yourself with bright berries, and blue thistles, and tiny, delicate blooms of chamomile. Add some color to your space while we wait for things to think about preparing to bloom. You can buy online, or Trader Joes does a great job with flowers for cheap, cheap, cheap. This florist does floral subscriptions! Get fresh flowers delivered to you once a month.

What do you do to get through the long month of February?

January Favorite Things – 2020

Happy New Year! I haven’t been on my computer for two weeks! My neck and my shoulders are thanking me and I’m hoping I can carry my better posture forward when I head back to work on Monday.

In the meantime, here are a few favorites as we start a new year.

1. Yoga Bolster for keeping my tight hips and shoulders more open this year

2. Wine Bottle Gnomes – Hilarious – Winter is still three months more people. Make sure your wine arrives in style.

3. Journaling supplies

It’s been almost four years since I put my stream of consciousness to paper with actual ink. My goal for this year is to return to the practice. Try these Micron pens or these ballpoint ones and pick up a Moleskine. These journals already come with page numbers!

4. Photo books by Shutterfly

Make a yearbook of sorts with your photos from last year and then save space on your phone by moving your pics from one storage place to the next. They always have amazing sales and great selection. A fun way to capture your memories for the year just closed.

5. Magnolia Table Cookbook

I’m not a big Chip and Joanna fanatic, and I do like her new, lovely cookbook. So many yummy recipes and I was surprised to see many include the ever-favorite, mysterious product called Velveeta.  For those in awe of their empire, or ones simply looking for new recipes to add to the mix.

Make January a great one!

December Favorite Things – 2019

I wrote my Christmas card this weekend and thought to myself, “Wasn’t it just August?”

You too?

Welp, here we are at the end of the year and the end of a decade. Hard to believe.

Here are a few of my favorites as I decorate my house, buy gifts for others, and blow my nose continuously because the winter cold has hit me.

Merry Merry to you and yours.

    1. Advent Devotional by Ann Voskamp
      It’s the season of light and I get excited to remember how we can choose to welcome the Holy Spirit back into our lives. I read this one every year
    2. Dried oranges – I followed this simple recipe and used the oranges as ornaments on my tree and tucked them in on a home made wreath. I left the sugar off because I know my dog would eat them …. Another recipe suggested tucking whole cloves in the slices. I didn’t have any and dried allspice instead and wasn’t that impressed.
    3. Simmer Scents to make your house smell great naturally

    4. Pair this shortbread with Scotch and toast to Roy

5. “Eight is a lot of legs David.” – the best line from Love Actually


In a completely separate request, I’m gathering answers to the question:

As a reader of 52 Beautiful Things,  what do you like most about the writing?

Send an email to 52beautifulthings at gmail dot com with your response

October Favorite Things – 2019

I’m burnt out on pumpkin spice. The joy has been sucked away by commercialism and over-done everything. Why is it we have a tendency to squeeze potential out of things, drip by sugary drip?

This October I’m focused on turning inward a bit – asking new questions and preparing to lay down old stories with the falling of leaves.

Here are a few things I’m loving this month:

  1. Roasted chicken – fill the house with amazing aromas on a Saturday evening. Don’t burn your hand on the roasting pan like I did. 425 degrees means 425 degrees.
  2. One Hope Wine – I’m intrigued by their business model and am excited to raise money for a good cause. If you’re thinking about stocking up on tasty wine for the holidays, check this out.
  3. Candy corn. Still. Yes. It’s a classic. Once a year because we will never burn out on their perfect chew if we only consume the kernels for one month a year.


  4. Classic T’s – Maybe I’ve got some latent grief begging to be honored by the donning of black clothes. Maybe I’m channeling my inner New Yorker. Maybe I’m just craving a simpler closet. I’ve been stocking up on comfy black t-shirts and getting back to the basics with my wardrobe. As we head in to the season of layering, add these gems to your staples pile.
  5. Rising Strong by Brene Brown – for when you need permission to accept life as it is and a gentle reminder that magic meets us when we’re face down in the ring.

What can you lay down this month? What is bringing you joy?

September Favorite Things – 2019

Fall is upon us and the cooler mornings tease me as 90 degree days follow.

It is still too hot for my fall sweaters. The cozy clothes can wait in my closet and I’ll wait, refusing a pumpkin spice latte for a few weeks more. Here’s what I’m loving this month.

  1. Bursts of Brilliance for a Creative Life by Teresa R. Funke

My mentor and friend has a new book out this fall and I’m thrilled to be on her team as she inspires ordinary people like me to embrace and honor our creative selves. The e-book is now available and the paperback will be launched later this month. Learn more about Teresa and her other titles here.

2. Bring me a cannoli

These are my husbands favorite birthday treat and we had a friend make hundreds for our wedding. Our 5th (!) anniversary is this month and I’ll eat one or two to celebrate. If you’re feeling ambitious – these shells are fun to fill with creamy ricotta and chocolate chips.

3. Annie Sloan chalk paint

We’ve been re-doing our cabinets and while my kitchen is a mess and all the spices are exposed, this chalk paint is saving us from hours of sanding dark cherry stain.

4. Big Little Lies

I know I’m behind and just finished Season One on HBO. The editing! The music! The suspense! Perhaps I should read the book.

5. Zucchini

I’m still rooting for the zucchini blossoming in our backyard. As the slow crop grows, I’ve been stocking up at the farmers market and spiralizing, turning into muffins, and sautéing with goat cheese. Summer veggies won’t last much longer.

What are you excited about this month?

August Favorite Things – 2019

Better late than never.

  1. Stephen King’s On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft

Word nerds rejoice! I giggled to myself, I was delighted. The book affirmed I’m on the right track. Keep reading.

2. Toms with Sloths on them.

Because your feet are happy when sloths are on them.

3. Lily Kershaw

Her voice is enchanting, haunting, engaging. I want more. I found out she’s coming to my town to perform in October and I’ll be gone. So if one of you could go in my place and live stream to my phone I’d appreciate it. Lily, I’ll pay for the remote experience.

4. Utter Nonsense

It will keep you laughing. Not for the faint of heart or easily offended.

5. Good ol’ fashioned school supplies.

You’ll find me wandering the hallways at Target. At least until the college kids show up next weekend. Go ahead – buy yourself the big box of crayons.

July Favorite Things – 2019

New month. New favorites.

I want to hear about your gratitude lists and what’s bringing you joy!

These are some things bringing me joy this month.

  1. Ursa Major Skin Care
    I like using natural skin care products and many of them are amazingly expensive. Not this stuff. The face wash leaves my skin feeling fresh and the balm leaves me moisturized and happy. The scents are refreshing, natural and light. And all the products are within my budget.
  2. No Hard Feelings: The Secret Power of Embracing Emotions at Work by Liz Fosslien and Mollie West Duffie

This book is charming, smart, and gives me hope for the workplace. As someone who cries at work, I’m encouraged people are leading the charge to encourage more empathy and healthy coping mechanisms in the spaces we spend most of our time.

3. This foccacia recipe

Even though it’s 94 degrees out, I’ve got the oven and the air conditioning on. And if you need me, I’ll be eating this delicious bread. Scared of yeast? You can’t go wrong with this stuff perfect for the amateur baker.

4. Watermelon Cucumber Cooler

I gave up alcohol for the month of June and have been drinking this instead. Mix with some sparkling water and lime for a refreshing after-work drink. If you’re feeling fancy I suppose you could add some tequila or vodka. I won’t tell.

5. Rainboots

Because Colorado can’t make up it’s mind. Bring some joy to the afternoon thunderstorm with these fun galoshes.

Have a joyful July.

June Favorite Things – 2019

This month’s theme is self-love. I’m really good at loving others, giving to causes, caring too much, listening just a bit too long.

And I’m really bad at doing the same thing for myself.

So here are some fun and interesting ways to take care of yourself.

  1. Get a temporary tattoo
    Check out these mantra inspired, mental-health improving temporary tattoos. I’m sending my friends packs and putting unicorns on myself. We’re majestic creatures and we are enough. Sometimes you need to put these truths on your body to believe it.
  2. Eat a wholesome breakfast
    My friend JC is moving forward to turn his dream into a reality and is offering adventure-ready meals using flavorful, clean, gluten-free, dairy-free ingredients. While meant for camping and outdoor adventures, these pre-made meals have been known to be consumed by the quick and busy millennial on-the-go during the morning commute. Congrats to JC, Anya, and the team at Backcountry Staples.
  3. Wear Your Feelings
    Our culture mutes our emotional expression too much. I’m currently waiting for this delightful sweatshirt to arrive from Bando. I have a feeling I’ll be purchasing more from this site soon.
  4. Invest in Lavender Shampoo
    I’m not quite sure if I’m allergic to lavender. Sometimes yes, other times, like when using this delightful shampoo at my mom’s house, no. It leaves your hair smelling delicious and fresh and clean for days. So I’ll be stocking up here shortly and praying for no delayed allergic reaction. The lemon sage one is great too, just in case.
  5. Read, or Watch, Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman
    We read the book for Book Club and I got really lost and confused. And then I watched the mini-series on Amazon and it all came together. This is a hilarious Armageddon story and has me hoping for humanity as we approach the end of the world. Read the book. Or watch the show. Either way.

Be kind to yourself.