not all bad

We’re still counting …

Hi Friends!

I’ve just returned from two weeks in Europe which filled my heart to bursting. On the plane ride home, tears of gratitude in my eyes, I made Dylan write a list of 52 Beautiful Things about our trip in my planning notebook. I’ve got a nasty head cold from being on public trains (rarely am I around that many people in one place) and am a bit jet-lagged. I need time to process the trip before I write about adventures here and in the meantime continue to encourage you to share your lists of beautiful things with me!

Thank you to the following contributors who tipped us over the 400 mark!

#380 Artists are still making art
#381 Writers are still writing
#382 Nurses, doctors, and healers are still healing
#383 Teachers are still showing up to teach
#384 Survivors are surviving
#385 The human spirit is alive and well. You can see it clearly if you know where to look.

#380 – 385 Contributed by Sam Lamott of Hello Humans

#386 That I stumbled upon this blog
#387 My handsome, loving, caring husband
#388 That I live close to my family
#389 I have started graduate school this week
#390 That doing this right now has uplifted my spirit
#391 That I’m enjoying doing this
#392 That I’m getting closer to my dreams each day
#393 I’m becoming more confident
#394 The colours around me
#395 Interior decor

#386 – #395 Contributed through email by Amina

#396 When the clock hits 12am & you get to start an entire day fresh
#397 House plants -greenery IN YOUR OWN HOME! 💃🏼
#398 I get to watch DWTS pros mentoring young kids who have this huge dream to dance just like them!
#399 Trader Joe’s and all the pumpkin products they have!!
#400 Individuals who willingly share their painful memories so that someone else can be encouraged and healed from their own
#401 The beautiful stranger who comes to help you when your hands are full of groceries and you can’t open the trunk of your car
#402 My parents unconditional love even in the midst of conflict

#396 – #402 Contributed by Chelsea via comment on the blog

When you’re ready to share your beautiful things or things going right in your world, make your list and email it to me at 52beautifulthings at gmail dot com. We’ve still got 6 days to get to 1000. Tag a friend who you think would like to participate! Here are the instructions.